
Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
Concentric vs Eccentric | Better Deep Sleep | On Cycle Support | My Mindset
Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
Hey guys, another Q and A episode as the last one went down a treat, some cool personal questions on this one where we delve a little bit into my past!
1:17 Whats been the hardest mental thing the last few weeks of prep (and on prep)
5:00 Best support for being on cycle
6:53 What life events when I was younger lead to my current mindset
12:44 Low carb diets
13:05 What is hypertrophy
13:15 Eating the same things every day benefit digestion
16:11 Slow reps vs fast reps vs normal reps
20:26 How to get better deep sleep
22:43 If a client wants to take steroids what do I do
24:35 Will I post Sundays results
25:03How to combat looking flat on prep
27:07 Can you build a good physique while doing another sport?
27:42 When will you drop clen
28:45 What have I got planned for PCT
29:40 What is my podcast set up
31:01 How to deal with hate towards success
You can find me below:
Youtube: www.youtube.com/joshbridgmanfitness
Instagram: @joshbridgman
Insight supplements: insightsupps.com/ 'JOSH10' for discount
Lovehempuk: www.cbdoilsuk.com/shop/ 'Josh20' for discount
Medichecks: www.medichecks.com/ 'JOSHBRIDGMAN' for discount

Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
What's up family, back with a Q and A podcast here, lots of topics hit, time stamps below :)
2:18 Fats in a gaining phase - how high?
4:04 Change one thing about my physique and why
4:38 Crave anything outside my diet and how to deal with
7:20 Improving your natural testosterone
12:00 Trace macros vs normal macros
15:02 Money in the fitness industry, where does it come from
18:35 Best pre workout ever
18:54 Educating yourself as a coach
21:00 Was there a pivotal moment in my social media that ‘boomed’ me
23:06 Sleep 7 hours in one go vs naps
24: 49 Reverse dieting explained
27:55 Coming back from an injury protocol
31:06 How sustainable is online coaching for the Long term?
34:15: What makes someone bio mechanically unable to squat
36:20 How to be consistent
37:15 Slowing rate of loss if natural
You can find me below:
Youtube: www.youtube.com/joshbridgmanfitness
Instagram: @joshbridgman
Insight supplements: insightsupps.com/ 'JOSH10' for discount
Lovehempuk: www.cbdoilsuk.com/shop/ 'Josh20' for discount
Medichecks: www.medichecks.com/ 'JOSHBRIDGMAN' for discount

Wednesday Jul 03, 2019
Wednesday Jul 03, 2019
The prep brain was real on this one guys! Apologies its getting harder and harder to talk for long periods of time but we working.
Hope you enjoy this one!
You can find me below:
Youtube: www.youtube.com/joshbridgmanfitness
Instagram: @joshbridgman
Insight supplements: insightsupps.com/ 'JOSH10' for discount
Lovehempuk: www.cbdoilsuk.com/shop/ 'Josh20' for discount
Medichecks: www.medichecks.com/ 'JOSHBRIDGMAN' for discount

Monday Jun 24, 2019
Monday Jun 24, 2019
Hey guys as always thanks for listening.
We touch on some topics to do with what you can assess if you're struggling with progress. We also break down nutrient timing and the research behind it along with the pre-requisites to beginning steroids.
You can find me below:
Youtube: www.youtube.com/joshbridgmanfitness
Instagram: @joshbridgman
Insight supplements: insightsupps.com/ 'JOSH10' for discount
Lovehempuk: www.cbdoilsuk.com/shop/ 'Josh20' for discount
Medichecks: www.medichecks.com/ 'JOSHBRIDGMAN' for discount

Friday Jun 21, 2019
Friday Jun 21, 2019
Hey guys, LOTS of topics covered on this one from a Q and A session. Love you bye.
Questions in order:
How do I work up to my top weights
Do I do any priming before I train
Fats low on a prep for carbs - does it fuck natties
What do I think needs to change most in the industry
How do I make my money
Money management per month
GDAS in the offseason/on season when and why
Volume on a cut vs bulking
Shocking the muscle
Tips to grow a fitness page
Managing pushing too far on prep
Whats split for mens physique
Clen and muscle cramps
Spacing steps out across the day vs all at once
When to carb up
Tracking trace macros
My use of caffeine/nootropics
Comparing myself to other competitors or focus on yourself
Assisted prep vs natural prep
Cruise dosage
You can find me below:
Youtube: www.youtube.com/joshbridgmanfitness
Instagram: @joshbridgman
Insight supplements: insightsupps.com/ 'JOSH10' for discount
Lovehempuk: www.cbdoilsuk.com/shop/ 'Josh20' for discount
Medichecks: www.medichecks.com/ 'JOSHBRIDGMAN' for discount

Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
Anabolic Steroids, side effects, designing a stack and Tren (+more)
Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
Hey guys apologies for the reverb on Joe's side, my mic was picking up his audio as well, headphones in next time!!
You can find Joe here:
Instagram: joejefferyuk
You can find me below:
Youtube: www.youtube.com/joshbridgmanfitness
Instagram: @joshbridgman
Insight supplements: insightsupps.com/ 'JOSH10' for discount
Lovehempuk: www.cbdoilsuk.com/shop/ 'Josh20' for discount
Medichecks: www.medichecks.com/ 'JOSHBRIDGMAN' for discount

Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Lots of topics covered as always this week, but the main focus is on the nutritional, physical and social things we can implement in our life to IMPROVE our life span.
Lots of Q and A's answered along with story time (high demand lol) about i got caught by the police.
You can find me below:
Youtube: www.youtube.com/joshbridgmanfitness
Instagram: @joshbridgman
Insight supplements: insightsupps.com/ 'JOSH10' for discount
Lovehempuk: www.cbdoilsuk.com/shop/ 'Josh20' for discount
Medichecks: www.medichecks.com/ 'JOSHBRIDGMAN' for discount

Thursday Jun 06, 2019
Tmcycles | That Brandon Video | Coming Off Steroids | Growing Your Social Media
Thursday Jun 06, 2019
Thursday Jun 06, 2019
The man, the myth, the Jefe. Mr Tmcycles is on the podcast today. We talk about 'that' brandon video and his competitive season. Maximising your social media, branding and content. We then delve into lots of personal questions. When will we come off steroids, managing PCT, future plans etc.
You can find Tom below:
Members site: www.thomasmaw.co.uk/
Instagram: @tmcycles
Youtube: www.youtube.com/tmcycles
You can find me below:
Youtube: www.youtube.com/joshbridgmanfitness
Instagram: @joshbridgman
Insight supplements: insightsupps.com/ 'JOSH10' for discount
Lovehempuk: www.cbdoilsuk.com/shop/ 'Josh20' for discount
Medichecks: www.medichecks.com/ 'JOSHBRIDGMAN' for discount

Wednesday May 29, 2019
Wednesday May 29, 2019
Whats up guys, back again with another podcast. Today we talk about everything you can do nutritionally, physically and recovery wise to improvr your chances of building muscle and burning bodyfat. + some questions from you guys
Studies mentioned:
Youtube: www.youtube.com/joshbridgmanfitness@gmail.com
Instagram: @joshbridgman
Insight supplements: https://insightsupps.com/ 'JOSH10' for discount
Lovehempuk: https://www.cbdoilsuk.com/shop/ 'Josh20' for discount
Medichecks: https://www.medichecks.com/ 'JOSHBRIDGMAN' for discount

Friday May 24, 2019
Friday May 24, 2019
Whats up guys, back again with another podcast. Today we talk everything sex. Improving your sex life across all facets of life. Then we follow up with 15-20 questions from you guys.
Youtube: www.youtube.com/joshbridgmanfitness@gmail.com
Instagram: @joshbridgman
Insight supplements: https://insightsupps.com/ 'JOSH10' for discount
Lovehempuk: https://www.cbdoilsuk.com/shop/ 'Josh20' for discount
Medichecks: https://www.medichecks.com/ 'JOSHBRIDGMAN' for discount